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Start-Up Savvy Program

Owners of brand-new businesses are often challenged to provide the type of financial documentation typically required by individual disability income carriers, because their businesses have not been up and running long enough to generate the necessary tax returns.

However, if you are taking an entrepreneurial leap in opening up a business in the same field where you have established a career, we may be able to offer you important disability income protection coverage right off the bat. 

For those that qualify, we take a portion of past W2 income and put that income into the benefits calculator and offer those reduced benefits to start-ups.  If the Future Increase Option rider or the Benefit Purchase Rider is available, you will be given the option to increase benefits at a later date when financials become available.

Three Requirements to Apply Under This Program:

  1. Ages 30 through 50, with at least 3 years of industry experience

  2. Working in an industry other than real estate or financial services

  3. Submits a copy of the most recent W-2 from the prior employer

Physicians: Maximum monthly benefit based on 70% of the W-2 verified prior earnings (but not more than $10,000/mo.)

New Business Owners in all occupations aside from real estate industry and financial service who meet program criteria:  Maximum monthly benefit based on 70% of the W-2/1099 verified prior earnings (but not more than $10000/mo.)

Note: Examples of those ineligable that are in financial and real estate are: mortgage brokers, mortgage originators, real estate agents/brokers, residential construction occupations, real estste developers, real estate investors, private equity analysists, venture capitalists, investment analysists, commodity brokers, etc.

Business Expence Coverage:  Additionally, up to $20,000 a month of base Overhead Expense benefit with up to $10,000 of Future Increase Option (FIO) and up to $10,000 a month of the Professional Replacement Rider is now available to all eligible occupations under this program.

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Financial Representatives of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, New York. Financial Growth Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian.  Guardian, its subsidiaries, agents, and employees do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Consult your tax, legal, or accounting professional regarding your individual situation. This website contains the opinions of the author but not necessarily those of The Guardian Life Insurance Company (Guardian), New York, NY or its subsidiaries and such opinions are subject to change without notice.  Important Disclosures:  Terms and Conditions    Privacy Policy

This website is intended for general public use. By providing this content, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, and their affiliates and subsidiaries are not undertaking to provide advice or recommendations for any specific individual or situation, or to otherwise act in a fiduciary capacity. Please contact a financial representative for guidance and information that is specific to your individual situation.

Individual disability income products underwritten and issued by Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America (BLICOA), Pittsfield, MA or provided by Guardian. BLICOA is a wholly owned stock subsidiary of and administrator for the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. Product provisions and availability may vary by state. 

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